I thoroughly enjoyed my ten months maternity leave and was ready to return to the Chubb towers.
I didn’t fear it, my colleagues are great and, truthfully, my clients are lovely. I was slightly nervous about whether I could still do the job, but I think that’s normal.
I had found a nursery that I was very happy with, chosen because of its amazing outdoor space, forest school and farm next door – I’m such an outdoors person. Dropping and picking up was sorted, with my partner certainly doing his share. Practice runs proved that I could get the little chap up and ready for his 7.45am departure and the freezer was full of tiny meals. Everything was sorted.
Then it hit me hard, like a high speed train, pinning me to the ground and draining all my motherly strength. People had told me it could happen so I thought I was prepared but its power and ferocity was like nothing I have experienced – it was the nursery bug!
In just one day at nursery my boy had befriended ‘the virus’ and it had the ability to sap all his gurgles and gobble up his smiles and effortlessly destroy my bedtime routine leaving a baby in pain who will only settle in my arms.
Armed with calpol, an ear thermometer and Shrop Doc on speed dial I was ready for battle, but ‘the virus’ cheated. In just one cuddle my poorly boy had unwillingly shared his virus vibes. A once healthy person I was reduced to wobbling mess never moving too far from the toilet!
My colleagues have shown great empathy gently nodding at my tales but they have a strange look. Is it sheer terror as their own memories come rushing back or silent laughter in relief it’s not them, either way it’s reassuring.
I’ve only been back three weeks and we’re yet to complete a full week at nursery – and he only goes two days – nevertheless my boy enjoys nursery and I enjoy being back at work so we are ready to fight our next bug attack.