New starters get ready for school’s open morning - 8848

New starters get ready for school’s open morning

A preparatory school near Bridgnorth has welcomed its new starters as it gets ready to host an open morning for prospective parents.

Moffats, a small day and boarding preparatory school owned and run by a family supported by dedicated staff, has welcomed nine new starters. The youngsters, aged from five to 11 years, have joined the school, in Kinlet.

The school is hosting an open morning on Friday, October 2, from 9.30am until 12.30pm for anyone interested in finding out more about what the school has to offer.

Tours will be conducted by the senior children and will include all aspects of school life, including music, sport, the Forest School and riding facilities.

A limited number of places are still available in Little Moffats for children aged three to seven years.
Pupils are aged between three and 13, with boarders joining from age seven upwards. Day pupils come from as near the school’s own parish of Kinlet and as far as Shrewsbury. Moffats is a second home to boarders from the UK, Europe and beyond.

For more information, please call 01299 841230.
