Are Companies Failing at Customer Experience?

Are Companies Failing at Customer Experience?

In her latest blog, 8848 director Charlotte Bennett asks are companies failing at customer experience?

In an era where customer experience is paramount, it’s disheartening when you hear that companies are falling short. Despite increased emphasis on customer-centricity and significant investments in technology, a concerning trend seems to be emerging – is customer satisfaction on the decline?

A recent US study by CCW Digital and Customer Management Practice revealed only 7% of customers believe their service interactions have improved, while 55% report a decline in experience. This indicates that companies’ efforts to leverage artificial intelligence and automation may be inadvertently harming customer satisfaction.

While I don’t possess a magic wand to solve this problem, I can offer a few insights from my nearly 20 years of experience.

Prioritise Positive Communication

Negative language in customer service can be counterproductive. Instead of focusing on limitations, emphasise potential solutions and positive outcomes. By using phrases like “I can certainly check on that” or “Let me find out for you,” you demonstrate your eagerness to help and build trust with the customer. Remember, a friendly tone and a genuine smile can go a long way in creating a positive interaction.

Listen Actively

Effective communication starts with listening. Avoid interrupting your customers and actively seek to understand their concerns. By asking open-ended questions and paying close attention, you can identify the root cause of the issue and provide a more tailored solution.

Acknowledge and Validate Customer Concerns

Customers want to feel heard and understood. Acknowledging their issues and validating their feelings is crucial. By repeating back their concerns in a supportive manner, you demonstrate empathy and build trust. Additionally, acknowledging their previous attempts to resolve the problem shows that you value their time and effort.

Respect Customers’ Time

In today’s fast-paced world, customers expect prompt responses. Aim to answer incoming calls within two to three rings and provide clear communication regarding hold times. By reducing resolution time and keeping customers informed, you demonstrate respect for their time and increase their satisfaction.

Communicate Effectively

Avoid relying solely on scripted responses, as they can make interactions feel robotic. Instead, use scripts as guidelines and personalise the conversation by adding your own anecdotes or insights. Remember to pause regularly to check in with the customer and ensure that the communication remains two-way.

Adapt Your Communication Style

Recognise that different customers have different communication preferences. Listen for cues and adjust your approach accordingly. For chatty customers, engage in small talk and ask questions. For those who prefer direct communication, avoid unnecessary chit-chat and focus on resolving the issue promptly.

Provide Clear Solutions

Explain your solution in clear and concise terms, avoiding technical jargon. Walk the customer through the steps involved and address any questions they may have. By ensuring they understand the solution and its benefits, you can increase their satisfaction and build trust.

Don’t Hesitate to Seek Help

If you’re unable to resolve a customer’s issue promptly, don’t hesitate to ask for assistance. Bringing in another person can expedite the resolution process and help you learn new problem-solving skills.

If you need my help, email Or find me on LinkedIn.

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