The men’s Olympic 1500m final was a lesson for life – it’s not always a two-horse race. James Garrison looks at the race and the lessons we can learn.
Last night’s men’s 1500m final was a real nail-biter. Everyone was hyped for the Kerr vs. Ingebrigtsen showdown. But then, BAM! Hocker swoops in like a dark horse and steals the show. Talk about a plot twist.
This race was a masterclass in unexpected turns. It’s a stark reminder for businesses that the competition isn’t always obvious. Just because two big players are punching it out, doesn’t mean there isn’t a nimble underdog waiting in the wings. Hocker’s win is a wake-up call to keep an eye on the entire playing field, not just the direct competitors.
Also, it’s crucial to remember that while a bit of friendly rivalry can be good for business, too much focus on one opponent can distract you from the real prize: winning. Ingebrigtsen and Kerr were so caught up in their own battle that they let Hocker slip past. For businesses, this means staying focused on your goals and not getting side-tracked by the competition.
So, next time you’re locked in a fierce battle for market share, remember the 1500m final. There’s always room for a surprise contender. Keep your eyes on the prize, but don’t forget to scan the horizon for unexpected challenges and opportunities.
Above all else, particularly in the current climate – kindness wins. Just be nice while trying to achieve your goals.