Mitsubishi Pencil Co. announce personnel changes - 8848

Mitsubishi Pencil Co. announce personnel changes

Mitsubishi Pencil Co. has announced two senior personnel changes as the leading pen brand looks forward to the year ahead.

Olivier Brenot will take on the position of European director having previously carried out the role of European marketing director.  Owen McGonagle, previously financial director, becomes UK general manager.

“I’m delighted to take up the position of UK general manger and look forward to developing closer working relationships with our partners, suppliers and customers,” said Owen.  “We will launch a number of new products this year and have a series of strong marketing and PR campaigns in place that will not only support business partners, but will appeal to a wide range of consumers.”

Mitsubishi Pencil Co. has a history of developing products which uniquely match the needs of individual uses.  Its uni-ball brand is the market leader in the UK rollerball pen market.

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